General snus vs ZYN

General snus and ZYN may have similar qualities, but they are in fact two completely different products. General snus is…you guessed it, a snus, which contains tobacco. ZYN on the other hand is a nicotine pouch, so it is tobacco-free. Some aspects of the difference between snus and nicotine pouches is obvious even to the novice, but what exactly sets General snus and ZYN Pouches apart?

General Snus vs ZYN Nicotine Pouches: What are their four major differences?

  1. Portion Material and Format - This is the initial difference that you will notice by viewing each product side by side. General Snus’ Swedish snus properties mean that the format and contents are different to ZYN’s pouches. General snus is much moister than ZYN and will produce more drip, it also contains tobacco, so it will look dark brown in color. ZYN, on the other hand, is always in a slim all-white format, meaning that you will experience little to no drip, no teeth staining because there is no tobacco, and you can be discreet about your use thanks to the small, slim pouch format.
  2. Nicotine - Due to the higher moisture content of General snus, the nicotine is released much faster than for ZYN’s nicotine pouches, however, ZYN will release nicotine for longer due to its dryer, fleece-like pouch material. There is also some disparity in the nicotine content of the two brands. The strongest General snus is 13mg/g, whereas the strongest ZYN nicotine pouch is 15mg/g. However, perceived strength is very important here.

    Perceived strength refers to the nicotine strength that you feel, regardless of the mg/g or mg/pouch value of the product. So, although the strongest General snus is 13mg/g, which is less than the strongest ZYN nicotine pouch at 15mg/g, the high moisture content of the General snus and subsequent faster nicotine release and absorption will make the General snus feel stronger! In contrast, the delayed onset of nicotine release in ZYN nicotine pouches means that, initially, it will feel weak and seem to provide no kick.

    Patience is a virtue when using ZYN’s tobacco-free snus pouches and other nicotine pouches like LYFT, White Fox, and Swave because, as mentioned before, ZYN will release nicotine for a greater duration so the peak nicotine effect will come at a later point. Read more about how moisture and format affect nicotine strength and release here.

  3. Flavor - The big one. Flavor. Of course, the tobacco containing aspect of General snus means that it will taste like tobacco! Spicy, smoky, rich, and with a touch of bergamot, to be precise. ZYN, however, is tobacco-free snus, so the flavor focus is on the interesting flavors that ZYN Nicotine Pouches have developed, such as blood orange, forest fruits, and spearmint.

    If you try both products, you will notice that General snus has a much richer, full-bodied flavor compared to ZYN Pouches. This flavor profile is a result of the tobacco in General snus, as tobacco is dense and earthy. ZYN nicotine pouches on the other hand, will present a much lighter, cleaner, and artificial taste experience, due to the absence of tobacco.

  4. Ingredients - By now, we are confident that you know the major ingredient difference between General snus and ZYN nicotine pouches…tobacco! Or lack thereof. Aside from tobacco, there are some other notable differences in the ingredients of these products, which contribute to the unique experiences to be had from them.

    General snus is comprised of tobacco, water, salt, flavor, and aroma enhancers, which are all of natural origin, or are synthesized from a natural product. However, ZYN nicotine pouches are made of ingredients that are of much lesser natural origin, namely nicotine that has been extracted from the tobacco plants, artificial flavoring and sweeteners. The artificial composition of ZYN means that it will taste and feel artificial in comparison to General snus. Think fresh strawberry flavor vs strawberry flavor candy!

General Snus vs ZYN Nicotine Pouches: Which will you prefer?

  • Flavors: Modern or Classic? - General snus will provide you with a natural flavor experience that is full-bodied, well rounded, and rich, thanks to the inclusion of a blend of the finest tobacco. There is a unique flavor that is present in all general products, before any other flavor addition, that is smoky, spicy, and reminiscent of leather, hay, and tea. In comparison to ZYN nicotine pouches, the flavor of General is a result of nature (tobacco leaves), rather than inspired by nature like ZYN. ZYN nicotine pouches trade the classic tobacco flavor for more contemporary, fun, and refreshing flavors such as mint in ZYN Cool Mint Mini, orange and lemongrass in ZYN Citrus Mini, and even coffee in ZYN Espresso Mini Dry.
  • Mouthfeel: Discreet or Rich? - All products in the General range offer a comfortable lip fit, whether it be an original, white, or mini portion, with a slight exception to loose, which can take some getting used to. However, in comparison to ZYN nicotine pouches, General snus original, white, and loose formats will be less discreet than the slimmer ZYN. Also, General snus, if used in original or loose, will result in drip and staining of the teeth, which will not occur with ZYN nicotine pouches. ZYN nicotine pouches may provide less flavor and presence in the mouth due to their slim format, however, the fit is still optimized for comfort and enables discreet use, wherever and whenever!
  • Nicotine Effect: Fast or long-lasting? - The nicotine effect from General snus is fast and efficient due to the high moisture content, especially in original and loose formats, however it will taper off after a shorter period of time compared to ZYN nicotine pouches. ZYN nicotine pouches will provide a steady, long lasting release of nicotine, perfect for all day use.