How Long Will A Can of Snus or Nicotine Pouches Last?

A reason for the international popularity of nicotine pouches and snus is that the nicotine experience of both of these products can last for much longer than other types of nicotine products, providing long lasting satisfaction.

The fact that the duration of nicotine pleasure is so great might make you wish that your can could last forever! But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end.

So, you may be thinking - “How long will my snus or nicotine pouches last me for?”

How Many Snus Portions or Nicotine Pouches Are In a Can?

The number of snus portions in a single can varies depending on the brand, format, and in some cases, preference. However, 20 to 24 portions or pouches seems to be the norm.

One of the main causes for variation in the number pouches in a can is the brand. For a snus example, Oden’s Cold White Dry snus contains 20 portions, whereas Skruf Strong White Snus has 24 portions. This brand to brand difference is also seen in nicotine pouches too, with 20 FUMI nicotine pouches in a can, and 24 in a can of Sirus nicotine pouches.

Portion format can also determine how many portions or pouches you will receive. White Fox offers different formats, and with it, a different number of portions per can. White Fox Double Mint are of a slim format, containing 20 pouches. White Fox Full Charge, however, are larger and stronger, with only 15 pouches per can! You will also notice the variation between slim and original portions in snus, namely the G.3 snus range, with G.3 Super Slim Strong snus containing a whopping 30 portions per can and The G.3 Slim Strong snus only 24 portions per can.

The only time that you can decide the number of portions in a snus can is with loose snus. Loose snus is considered real snus, requiring the user to form the snus portion or ‘prilla’ in a desired shape and size. So, if with loose snus like Roda Lacket Loose snus you are able to choose how big or small you want your snus to be, you are also able to increase or decrease the number of portions in a can!

How Many Snus or Nicotine Pouches Can I Use Per Day?

The number of snus or nicotine pouches that you use per day is, of course, entirely dependent on your own preference and needs. 6 portions per day, so a quarter of a can, is the most common figure. However, it is not unheard of for people to consume a whole can per day! There is usually not much difference between tobacco and tobaccofree products; therefore, how many zyn pouches you use a day is usually no different to a general snus. 

“The average snuser uses around 6 portions or pouches per day”

There is no indication of a maximum number of portions to be used per day, but since most brands manufacture products that will exude a long-lasting pleasure, there is usually no reason to constantly swap a portion out for a new one. 

Your choice of strength may also naturally limit how many you can, or want to use. Many users love a good nicotine kick, especially in the morning or after a meal. Some of the strongest snus and most intense nicotine pouches are Sibera snus and Volt nicotine pouches, which are far above the normal strength of 8mg/g, ranging up to 43mg/g! You may want to avoid using lots of high strength snus and nicotine pouches per day to prevent sickness and nicotine tolerance issues, but again, this is down to personal preference!

Will My Can of Snus or Nicotine Pouches Last For A Long Time?

Potentially, yes, your favorite can could last you a long time. However, as you may have noticed by now, the lifespan of your snus depends on a few factors.

The simplest way to know if a product will last you a long time is to find out how many portions or pouches are in the can, which can easily be found on the manufacturers website.

When you know how many pouches or portions are in your can, you can then easily work out how many days it will last you: number of pouches or portions in can / number of pouches or portions used per day

How many portions or pouches you use will be the deciding factor for how long the can will last. However, you can try to get the most bang for your buck by choosing brands with more pouches or portions per can, switching to loose snus, or by using less altogether.