Are You Storing Your Snus Correctly?

As snus lovers, we all know that fresh snus is the best snus! Why? This is because fresh snus has the best flavor, nicotine effect, and consistency, which are the aspects of snus that make it so enjoyable. Getting the best bang for your buck in terms of quality and enjoyment are essential, so, if you have not already, it is time to ask yourself - Am I storing my snus correctly?

When Might I Need to Store My Snus?

In any case, storing snus correctly is important. Just like you would not expect a wine to retain its flavor and aroma if stored poorly, you should not expect the same rich tobacco flavor, mint sting, and extreme nicotine hit from an incorrectly stored can of Siberia snus.

One of the main cases to pay attention to whether you are storing your snus correctly is if you buy lots of snus at once. Whilst it may be fine to be lenient with your storage habits for one can of snus, as you will most likely use it before the expiry date, keeping a bulk order of snus in the boot of your car is not going to be a good idea.

Perhaps you have ordered as many cans of limited edition snus, like Göteborgs Rapé West Coast IPA as possible. Or, you may have gone overboard with ordering from our special offers section. The point is, you have probably ordered more snus than you can consume! Whenever you have been too enthusiastic with the buy button, there is no need to worry, because the correct storage can keep it fresh until you are ready to use it!

What Happens to Poorly Stored Snus?

Before we dive into how you can store your favorite product correctly, it is helpful to know what happens if you do not. As mentioned before, if you do not store your products correctly, you cannot expect them to be of the same quality as when you bought them. However, nothing bad will happen to your snus, it will just be less enjoyable.

The most notable downgrade is that it will lose its moisture. Moisture content plays a big role in the strength of a snus. So, If a product that is meant to be moist becomes dry, the nicotine effect will be be reduced. A reduction in nicotine strength by loss of moisture is true for even the most powerful snus products we offer!

If this does happen and your favorite product loses its moisture content, it is not only the nicotine strength that will suffer. Moisture also contributes to the flavor release time, with higher moisture products like Oden's Original Portion, releasing flavor and nicotine quicker than dryer ones such as Chainsaw Cold Dry White. Poor storage can therefore result in dry bags and as a result of this, the time it will take for you to start tasting the flavor of it will be significantly increased.

Poorly stored snus, regardless of moisture loss, will also begin to perish just like any other food products. In fact, General snus is regulated and manufactured as a food product. This means that over time, as the end of the shelf life of the snus becomes nearer, the flavor and aroma will be diminished, and also the consistency. This reduction in quality is of course sped up if your snus is not stored correctly. So, that minty snus flavor and aroma, and comfortable lip fit that you think you are going to enjoy, may in fact just taste and smell like stale tobacco and feel like cardboard!

How Can I Store My Snus Correctly?

Storing your snus so that it retains its moisture, buzz, flavor, aroma, and consistency is relatively simple! No fancy tools or space needed, just some bags and a refrigerator - or freezer.

  1. Keep it Cool - If you are going to use your snus fairly soon, then it the best place to store it is in the refrigerator. Storing your product in the refrigerator can prolong its shelf life and help to retain all of the characteristics that you bought it for!
  2. Keep it Extra Cool - If you placed an order bigger than your snus usage can handle, that is not a problem as you can freeze all of it! By storing your snus in the freezer, it will last for a year. When you are ready to use your frozen favorites, just thaw them at room temperature.
  3. Keep it Sealed - This step particularly applies to if you are going to freeze your order. Sealing your snus in an airtight bag, preferably one that is vacuum sealed, will further help to ensure that it is of good quality when you thaw it.

If for some reason you do not have access to a refrigerator or freezer, your best bet for storing your snus is going to be in a cool, dark place, away from strong odours. However, for snus storage, colder is better! For a tobacco-free alternative to snus that does not require refrigeration, unless that is you preference of course, take a look at nicotine pouches.