Puck Snus

Puck Snus

Puck Snus is a premium snus crafted with Swedish tradition and the finest Swiss ingredients. Moreover, it packs a punch with a ranging nicotine content of 14.95 mg to 36 mg per pouch. What’s more, there are fresh mint flavors and different formats to choose from, catering to those with differing preferences. Every product is packaged in a jet-black, minimalistic can, bringing class to your rotation - both on the eye and the palate.

Puck snus portion size: Large and Slim

Some users look past the format of a portioned snus, but you shouldn’t. Depending on the portion you choose depicts the experience you will receive. Puck has recognized this and put each tasting experience in 2 different sizes.

Large - each pouch weighs 0.8 grams.

Slim - each portion weighs 0.65 grams.

With different-sized portions, Puck Snus can cater to the more traditional snuser with a plumper pouch and the more modern user with a more ergonomic and slender product. However, size doesn’t constitute the overall format as the contents can be manipulated too.

The modern snus pouch

There are many different snus pouches, and Puck Snus has tailored its products towards the modern snuser, as each is white. What does this mean for the experience?

With white portions, they are naturally dryer, meaning many things. Firstly, they last longer as it takes time for your saliva to moisten and extract the nicotine and flavor. This has a knock-on effect, meaning less drip is produced, ensuring a “cleaner” mouthfeel. Lastly, they stay fresh for longer, so there’s no need to power through the can, even though that will be hard not to do.

Puck Snus flavor: The ultimate mint snus

Puck Snus has opted for an array of different mint-tasting experiences. Named and inspired by the intense winter sport, Ice Hockey, each flavor profile has a potent punch and a cooling sensation. If you’re a mint lover, you’re going to relish these pouches.

  • Puck Icing - has a well-rounded mint flavor and a potent herbal character with both cooling tones and a subtle sweetness.
  • Puck Spearing - emphasizes sweet spearmint and frosty menthol, producing a tasting experience that is syrup-like and cooling.

This is not your brand if you’re looking for a tobacco-centric product. These flavor profiles include a subtle earthy tobacco flavor while keeping you invigorated and your breath fresh with robust herbal notes.

How strong is Puck Snus?

These are extra strong snus, like the sport the brand gets inspiration from, meaning that these potent pouches are for those with a high nicotine tolerance who want an intense experience. The brand's weakest product has 14.95 mg of nicotine per snus, compared to the strongest, which has 36 mg per portion. But how does the Strength system work?

Puck Icing is the strongest, with 45 mg/g of nicotine

Puck Spearing has a nicotine content of 23 mg/g

The larger ones weigh more, so they contain more nicotine than the slim pouches.

Therefore, if you want the strongest snus, Puck Icing Large is what you need. With 36 mg of nicotine per portion, even the most experienced users will find this one intense.

Who manufactures Puck Snus?

The SnusFactory is the manufacturer of this extra strong snus brand. Who is the SnusFactory? It is a Swedish company ‘for those who can appreciate and choose the supreme and the genuine’. It is a company that uses:

  • Perfect engineering
  • Swedish craftsmanship
  • Premium Swiss Ingredients

The points above show that this business creates premium products using an inventive genius, the snus tradition, and high-quality materials. For this reason, there is no need to worry about quality, allowing you to trust the brand.

The Puck can

You may receive this can and immediately think about the ice and your stick. As mentioned throughout this text, The SnusFactory gained inspiration from ice hockey. From potent nicotine strengths to cooling flavor profiles, the sport runs through this product, and this is finished with an all-black can resembling a puck. If you’re a fan of ice hockey, give this snus a try.

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