G.3 Snus

G.3 Snus

G.3 Snus is a modern take on the beloved General snus. Slimmer, lesser drip, and a higher nicotine delivery. For the snuser that seeks discreet nicotine satisfaction, G.3’s ‘Super-Slim Format’ takes unnoticeable snus use to the next level. Super-Slim and Slim do not mean less of a snus! Still featuring the spicy tobacco and bergamot flavor unique to General snus, you can expect to enjoy all the popular aspects of General in an amped up form with this future-like range that is Generation 3. Offered in strong, extra strong, and super strong, ranging from 13.5-26.6 mg/g and original, white, and white dry, G.3 Snus provides a clean nicotine hit to get you firing on all cylinders!

What Makes G.3 Snus so Great Among Snusers Around the Globe?

With snus and smokeless products being an ever-growing market, it is important that manufacturers keep up with the equally ever-growing needs and wants of consumers. Not all snusers want, or are able to openly display their snus use. In response to this, Swedish Match developed Slim and Super-Slim format options that make for easy concealment of on-demand nicotine satisfaction wherever and whenever you need it! In the office, at the dinner table, in a shop, the opportunities are endless. Further, for the appearance conscious consumers, G.3 snus is a great choice. White and white dry portions such as G.3 Blue Mint Slim Extra Strong and G.3 Sparkling Slim White Dry enable users to experience all the nicotine and flavor rich qualities that G.3 has to offer, without drip and teeth staining. 

Is G.3 Snus for Me?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I seek the thrill of a high nicotine content snus?
  2. Do I want and/or need to keep my snus use discreet?
  3. Do I want to preserve the whiteness of my teeth?
  4. Do I want to experience interesting flavors such as tropical fruits and berries, licorice, and green herbs alongside a classic tobacco base?

If you answered yes to these questions, we advise you to give G.3 Snus a try! Our prediction? You will love it, just like millions of other snusers around the globe! Not convinced by this modern interpretation? Perhaps the General Classic range is for you. Not modern enough? Take a look at the fourth generation of General products ‘G.4’. 

Who Manufactures G.3 Snus and Where?

G.3 Snus is manufactured by Swedish Match in Sweden, which is great to know as Sweden is where it all started for snus! For those interested in the history of snus, you can find out more, Swedish Match breathes of it! Swedish Match is a giant within the snus industry, developing and manufacturing popular brands including Ettan snus, Grovsnus, Göteborgs Rapé, and Nick and Johnny to name a few. With giant status comes giant responsibility, especially in terms of quality and safety. To learn more about what Swedish Match do to ensure the highest quality and safety promise for their consumers, read on! 

Swedish Match’s GOTHIATEK Quality and Safety Standard

Swedish Match are big on quality and safety and are confident enough to state that they “guarantee the best and safest snus in the world”. That is a large statement! However, Swedish Match do have explanation of how they ensure such a guarantee. GOTHIATEK is Swedish Match’s unique quality and safety standard, defined by consumer care, quality control, and openness of information, making it hard not to trust Swedish Match. To outline some main aspects of GOTHIATEK, ‘consumer care’ refers to the reduction of undesirable substances in their products, which is said by Swedish Match to be stricter than recommendations from the Swedish Food Regulation and World Health Organisation (WHO). ‘Quality control’ refers to their requirements that ensure only the best tobacco and production processes are used. Finally, ‘openness’, meaning that Swedish Match provides detailed information about their products, their knowledge of snus, and research results, as they believe that this is a public right. 

G.3 Snus Summary

To summarise these amazing products and why you should add them to your next order, here are a final few words. G.3 combines traditional and modern aspects of snus, with General’s well-loved spicy tobacco, bergamot, and citrus base flavor profile in tandem with other unique flavors including tea and vanilla, in a Slim or Super-Slim format, with a higher nicotine content and minimal drip. Choice is offered in moisture content of the portions with slim white dry portions at 27.5% and original at 46.5%, creating different nicotine and flavor releases for the desires of all snusers. Still not convinced? We thought that we would save this one until last - because of the size of Super-Slim G.3 products, you will find 30 portions in a can as opposed to 24!

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